Transport Options

If you arrive in Nadi, then the first step is to get to Suva.

Options are:

– a Sunbeam or Pacific bus direct from Nadi Airport to Suva. The cost is approximately F$30.00.

– fly with Fiji Link, the domestic subsidiary of Fiji Airways. Booking and information are available on their website (

– we can also arrange a taxi. Cost is approximately F$250.00..

Once you are in Suva, next stop is Levuka.

Goundar Shipping provides a daily bus/ferry service from Suva direct to Levuka Wharf in the morning and returning in the afternoon. Their ferry schedule is as follows:

  1. The bus departs Suva at 6.00am from the Western Bus Stand opposite the Suva Flea Market (reporting time is 5.00am). The bus drives direct to Natovi Landing (takes about two hours), then on to the ferry direct to Levuka, arriving at approximately 10.30am. Tickets from Suva can be purchased from the Ticket Booth located at the Western Bus Stand beside the Bio-Security office or from Goundar Shipping’s office in the Ganilau Building beside the HFC Bank.
  2. Levuka to Suva departs from the Levuka Wharf daily at 2.30pm (reporting time is 2.00pm). Tickets can be purchased in Levuka from Ambalal & Sons. The ferry takes about one and a half hours for the scenic trip to Natovi Landing, where you board Goundar Shipping’s bus which takes about two hours to arrive in Suva.
  3. The morning ferry leaves Levuka Wharf daily at 6.30am (reporting time is 6.00am). It arrives at Natovi Landing at approximately 8.00am, where you board the bus for the two hour trip to Suva.
  4. For Suva to Levuka, the bus departs from the Western Bus Stand at 1.30pm and proceeds to Natovi Landing, arriving at 3.30pm. You then board the ferry, which departs at 4.30pm and arrives in Levuka at about 6.00pm.

Cost is currently F$25.00 per person one way. For more information on schedules, booking and prices, e-mail at

You can also board the ferry at Natovi Landing. Reporting time there is 7.30am and 3.00pm daily. Tickets can purchased on board the ferry.

Venu Shipping operates a bus/ferry service between Suva and Levuka with their new ship “Queen Gudi”. Their ferry schedule is as follows::

1. Suva to Levuka: departs Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The bus leaves Suva at 1.00pm from the Western Bus Stand opposite the Flea Market: (reporting time is 12.00pm). The bus drives direct to Natovi Landing (takes about two hours), then on to the ferry direct to Levuka, arriving at approximately 4.30pm. Tickets from Suva can be purchased from the Ticket Booth located at the Market Carrier stand beside the Bio-security office.

2. Levuka to Suva: departs Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday,  and Saturday. The bus loads up in front of Outback Range Limited supermarket in the main street of Levuka at 5.30am (reporting time is 4.00am). On Sunday, the bus departs Levuka at 1.30pm (reporting time is 12.30pm).  The bus drives to the Levuka Wharf (about 5 minutes), on to the ferry and takes about one and a half hours for the scenic trip to Natovi Landing, where it drives off the ferry and takes about two hours to arrive in Suva.

Tickets from Levuka can be purchased from the Outback Range Limited Supermarket in Levuka.

The bus does not pick from Nausori (Suva) Airport airport but can stop at the Nausori town end, opposite the FNPF Nausori office at around 11.30am. Arrangements can be made by contacting Venu Shipping – phone them at +679 3395000 or e-mail at Cost for one person is approximately F$25.00 each way.

Please note that the “Queen Gudi” leaves Levuka on Wednesday morning and does not return until Thursday afternoon.